Anglobal Business Immigration

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The primary method through which the Canadian government grants permanent residency to qualified employees is through the Express Entry system.

Candidates that meet the requirements post a resume and cover letter on the agency’s website (IRCC). As a result, they are given a CRS score. IRCC invites immigration candidates with the highest CRS scores every two weeks to apply for permanent residency. CanadaVisa’s comprehensive Express Entry immigration website has all the information you need.

In-Depth Look at Express Entry

1. Is Express Entry the same as a regular visa?

Applicants for permanent residency in Canada who meet the Express Entry criteria are processed using an electronic system.

The federal government evaluates if a candidate is qualified for a program operated by Express Entry once the candidate provides an online profile. The Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) is used to rank eligible candidates in the Express Entry pool (CRS). Express Entry applicants are assessed and ranked using the CRS, a points-based system devised by the government. A candidate’s CRS score is determined by a variety of characteristics, including age, education, job experience, and language proficiency.

A new batch of Express Entry candidates is chosen every two weeks, and they are sent an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residence in Canada.

2. What is the impact of COVID-19 on Express Entry?

The Canadian government has restored normalcy to the Express Entry system by encouraging applicants from all programs to submit an application for permanent resident status. Canada’s goal is to complete most Express Entry immigration petitions within six months.

Immigration is a top priority for the government of Canada, and it will not waver. To sustain a strong economy and society, Canada need a large number of highly-skilled individuals.

Roughly the next three years, Canada’s Immigration Levels Plan seeks to welcome over 430,000 new immigrants annually. As a result, most of these new immigrants will be skilled workers, and Express Entry will be the primary method for IRCC to process their applications.

In the year 2024, IRCC expects to receive more than 110,000 Express Entry immigrants per year.

3. Explanation of how the Express Entry system works

There are only two steps in the Express Entry process. Candidates who are qualified for Express Entry at the first major stage of the process signal to the Canadian government their desire to become a permanent resident of Canada. The Canadian government invites the best-scoring individuals to come to Canada in the second major step.

In order to immigrate to Canada, you must first submit an Express Entry profile and then secure a permanent residence visa:

Step 1: Determine whether or not you qualify for Express Entry.

Obtaining an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) is the second step in the process (ECA).

Next, you must register with the federal government’s Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada website (IRCC).

Awaiting an invitation from the Immigration and Refugee Protection Agency (IRPA) is the fourth step.

APRs must be submitted to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Agency (IRPA) before the stipulated date, and fees must be paid in full. As part of this process, you must submit your medical and police certifications. After that, you’ll get an Acknowledgement of Receipt from IRCC (AOR).

Step 6: When IRCC asks for your biometrics, submit them.

7th and last step: watch for an IRCC ruling on your APR. Within six months, the IRCC hopes to have completed all applications. It will be possible for you to go to Canada and complete your landing in Canada once you have received your Confirmation of Permanent Residence and/or a permanent resident visa, depending on where you are from.

Is Express Entry a quick or long process?

For up to a year, an Express Entry profile can be active. With an ITA, applicants should expect a six-month processing time for their permanent residence petitions from the Canadian Government. After receiving a full application for permanent residency, the government begins tracking the processing time. When a decision is made, the application’s processing time is over. You can re-submit your Express Entry profile in the event that you don’t obtain an ITA within one year after generating it.

The benefits and downsides of Express Entry may be summarized as follows:

Express Entry has a number of advantages and disadvantages, but the advantages significantly exceed the disadvantages.

New Zealand and Australia inspired Canada to create Express Entry. “Expression of Interest” systems were introduced in New Zealand and Australia, respectively, in 2004 and 2012.

Expedited processing of skilled worker applications and better customer service for immigrants were two of Canada’s goals when it established Express Entry in 2015.

A first-come, first-served application process was in place in Canada prior to the introduction of Express Entry. A major flaw in the former system was that it resulted in significantly more applications each year than there were available seats for experienced workers. Candidates who were accepted would have to wait a long time before IRCC could provide them with permanent residency visas.

Express Entry was created by the IRCC in order to expedite the issuance of permanent residence visas to qualified applicants. It can now give visas to successful applicants in six months, as opposed to the previous six-year wait time.

Additionally, Express Entry is advantageous to immigrant candidates since the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) is based on extensive Canadian government research that has been able to discover which traits allow immigrants to prosper in Canada and obtain decent employment.. Young and middle-aged immigrants, as well as those with advanced degrees, professional work experience, and fluency in both English and French, have a leg up on the competition in the Canadian labor market. Since 2015, IRCC research has found that Express Entry immigrants perform extremely well in the workforce. They may be certain that they will ultimately land a high-paying job in Canada through Express Entry.

One of Express Entry’s main drawbacks is that it doesn’t guarantee that applicants will be invited to apply for permanent residency. As long as an applicant completed all of the qualifying and admissibility requirements under the prior system, they were guaranteed a permanent residency visa. Only applicants with the highest CRS scores are eligible for a permanent residency visa under the Express Entry system.

It’s possible to get a permanent resident invitation more than once, thanks to the frequent Express Entry lotteries (typically every two weeks). It’s never too late to try to improve your CRS score by finding a job in Canada, gaining a provincial nomination, going to school in Canada, accumulating additional work-related experience, or doing better on your English or French language tests. In addition to Express Entry, Canada has over a hundred alternative means of bringing in skilled laborers from across the world.

How much does it cost to use Express Entry?

Express Entry profiles can be submitted for free to the government’s pool of qualified individuals.

However, before submitting their Express Entry profile, hopefuls must pay a fee.

Before submitting an Express Entry profile, there are a number of expenses to consider:

A language test that has been approved by the Canadian government in either English or French.

Fees for the evaluation of educational credentials if you require any papers in English or French translated

Using the services of an immigration attorney (e.g., a law firm). To discover more about how our law firm can assist you with Express Entry, please click here.

Following the receipt of an ITA, the following fees and expenses apply:

Permanent residency application processing costs levied by the Canadian government

a physical examination (s)

A background check by law enforcement (s)

The charge for biometric services (s)

Express Entry applicants must pay a fee to the Canadian government to apply for permanent residency (Effective April 30, 2022)

Your application has been accepted.

850 dollars for the processing fee; 515 dollars for the privilege to remain permanently.


There is a $515 cost for the right to permanent residency for a spouse or partner.


An additional $230 is deducted for each dependent kid (per child)

For Express Entry, do I require the services of a lawyer?

Express Entry does not necessitate the use of legal counsel, although it may be useful to do so.

To get the best possible results under the Express Entry system, you need choose an experienced, competent, and reputable Canadian immigration lawyer.

They can guide you through the Express Entry process, from uploading your profile to drafting your permanent residence application once you have received an invitation to apply (ITA) for permanent residence, and help you get the most Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points possible. An immigration lawyer’s responsibility also includes making certain that you don’t make any mistakes or misrepresent your case in any way.

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has approved Cohen Immigration Law to represent applicants in the Express Entry system. It has been 45 years since Cohen Immigration Law has supported qualified professionals in Canada’s immigration process. Every year, a substantial number of Express Entry candidates turn to Cohen Immigration Law for help in creating the strongest possible Express Entry profile and obtaining a permanent residence visa upon receipt of an ITA. Cohen Immigration Law has earned this confidence.

In order to be considered for Express Entry, do I need a work offer from a Canadian employer?

Express Entry does not require a job offer to be successful. A job offer does not ensure success, but it does assist you improve your Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score. A job offer that qualifies for Express Entry can earn you an additional 50 or 200 CRS points, respectively.

How well-paying jobs are available for Express Entry applicants in Canada?

Yes. Immigrants selected under the Express Entry program have an advantage in the Canadian labor market because they possess the human capital qualities that Canadian companies want. The study found that Express Entry immigrants tend to make more money than the ordinary Canadian worker and had a greater employment rate and lower unemployment rate than the general population. Employers in Canada will need more workers to replace those who are retiring during the next decade, so immigrants who came to the country through Express Entry should perform well in the labor market. A rapidly aging population coupled with a low birthrate puts Canada’s economy and finances at risk, and it is only via immigration that these issues can be addressed.

Immigrants with Express Entry status come from what kinds of backgrounds?

Over 100 nations are represented in Canada’s Express Entry program each year. After launching a points system for skilled employees back in 1967, Canada does not filter skilled worker candidates based on their nationality. Candidate evaluations in Canada are only focused on a person’s capacity to function in the Canadian labor market. The Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) examines talented people on their age, education, language abilities, job experience, and other human capital variables in order to rank them in order of importance. Because the world is full with bright individuals and because Canada’s economy is varied, the country welcomes newcomers from a wide range of nations, skill sets, and occupations each year. Every year, IRCC publishes a report on Express Entry immigrants to provide the public a better understanding of the people who choose to immigrate to Canada with their skills and experience.

Under Express Entry, may I bring my family along?

Yes. It is permissible to include your wife, spouse, or common-law partner in your Express Entry application. As an additional option, you can include your dependent children, as well as those of your spouse or common-law partner’s children. Your family members who are traveling with you will be granted permanent residency as well if you are selected through Express Entry.

What is meant by the term “dependent children”?

being under the age of 22 and not married or in a common law relationship, or being above the age of 22 and having relied on their parents for financial assistance before turning 22, and being unable to sustain oneself due to a medical or mental health condition.

Express Entry Eligibility and CRS Score

Candidates must fulfill the requirements of at least one of the following federal economic immigration programs in order to be eligible for Express Entry:
In Canada, the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) is the country’s major economic immigration route. In order to be eligible, applicants must have completed at least one year of full-time or equivalent paid work in a skilled occupation (NOC skill level 0, A, or B) during the previous decade, as well as have intermediate or better language proficiency in either English or French. Applicants who have completed their education outside of Canada must also submit an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA). Additionally, candidates must score at least 67 points on the FSWP’s points grid in order to qualify for the program.
For international students and foreign employees with Canadian experience, the Canadian Experience Class (CEC) provides a path to permanent residency. One year of work experience in Canada’s skilled, professional, or technical fields is required for applicants, as well as language proficiency requirements.
Candidates who wish to become permanent residents and who meet the requirements of a skilled trade can apply for the Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP). To be eligible, applicants must have worked in a skilled trade for at least two years, meet the job requirements, have a full-time job offer in Canada for at least one year, or have a certificate of qualification in the skilled trade that has been issued by an official Canadian authority; and meet language proficiency requirements.
There are a number of ways in which you might qualify for Express Entry. Identifying why you are now disqualified is the first step you can take. The Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) may not be eligible for you if you do not fulfill one or more of the FSWP’s job, language, or educational requirements. The first step in submitting an Express Entry profile is to explain why you are ineligible.
The second important step you might take is to pursue a road to Canadian permanent residency through an educational program in Canada. At least one year of qualifying work experience in Canada during the past three years is required to qualify for the Canadian Experience Class (CEC) program. To qualify for the CEC and hence Express Entry, you must first study in Canada and then work there after graduation. In addition, your Canadian education and professional experience will earn you extra Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points.
Even if you don’t meet the criteria for Express Entry, there are more than 100 additional ways to immigrate to Canada as a skilled worker.
For qualified employees seeking a Canadian permanent residence visa, Canada has more than 100 distinct immigration options. There are a number of ways you can pursue these alternatives simultaneously:
Express Entry: The majority of Canada’s skilled worker immigrants enter the country through this system.
Second, the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) is a primary manner in which Canada accepts qualified workers.
For skilled employees, Quebec has its own immigration system in place.
The IRCC also offers alternative immigration options for highly qualified workers than Express Entry. Working as a caregiver, working in the agricultural sector, creating a business, or working as a self-employed individual are some of the possibilities.
If you want to move to Canada permanently, you’ll need to take advantage of one of the aforementioned options: study in Canada.
To begin your immigration journey, you can go to Canada on a work permit and then pursue one of the aforementioned alternatives to become a permanent resident.
To get your Express Entry Comprehensive Ranking System score, you can use a free tool provided by CanadaVisa.
If you’re expecting to be invited to apply for a Canadian permanent residence visa, you should look at the most recent Express Entry results.
If your CRS score is now below the most recent CRS cut-off standards, you should not be disappointed. The minimum CRS score required for each Express Entry round varies. CRS cutoffs may be quite unpredictable when they change.
To be patient, if your CRS score is little lower than the current cut-offs, you can wait till your CRS score is included in the cut-off. Additionally, you may want to look at techniques to raise your CRS rating.
It’s okay if your CRS score is much lower than the most current cut-offs. With an Express Entry pool membership, you are guaranteed a provincial nomination, which means that you will almost certainly be accepted under the program. In the meanwhile, you can try to get a work offer in Canada, increase your CRS score, apply to other Canadian immigration programs, or follow a study path that would lead to a permanent residence visa in the United States.
Express Entry’s Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score can be improved in the following ways:
Make that you’ve claimed all of your CRS reward points.
Increase your score on the language test
Consider submitting an application on behalf of your spouse.
Increase your level of education.
Get additional experience in the workforce
To study and work in Canada.
An in-depth description of how to enhance your Comprehensive Ranking System score for Express Entry is provided here.
The CRS score for Express Entry is expected to decrease in the near future.
Expression of Interest (OEI) cut-off scores for Express Entry CRS are subject to change at any time due to the dynamic nature of this system. Express Entry applicants will be distributed according to the CRS in an unknown manner. The CRS cut-off tends to be higher when there are more Express Entry candidates with good CRS scores. The CRS cut-off is lower when this number of candidates is lower. See the vast range of outcomes from using this method. Within a few weeks, CRS cut-off scores might change dramatically, decreasing or rising by a substantial number of points.
Express Entry is an excellent option if you meet the eligibility requirements and have a high enough CRS score to get into the pool, regardless of your CRS score. Make sure to keep in mind that the Express Entry pool is completely free, so even if you have questions about your CRS school, you won’t have to pay a penny. Most skilled worker immigration programs require you to take a language test and receive an ECA, thus cost is not a barrier to accessing the Express Entry pool.
Entering the Express Entry pool boosts your chances of successfully coming to Canada provided you meet the eligibility requirements.
To begin, as previously stated, the Express Entry pool is open to everyone. Costs for your language exam and ECA will be incurred before you enter the pool, however they will be required by most Canadian immigration programs.
The Express Entry CRS cut-off scores change often, making it hard to forecast exactly where a candidate would fall on the list. An invitation to apply for permanent residency may be possible despite a low CRS score.
Express Entry candidates can strive to improve their CRS score by retaking their language exam, increasing their qualifying professional job experience and/or education, or by working or studying in Canada.
Invitation to apply (ITA) for a Canadian permanent residence visa (CPR) can be obtained while in the pool.
A job offer in Canada while in the pool may also help you get an ITA for permanent residency, as long as your CRS score is high enough.
While you’re in the Express Entry pool, you can also apply directly to other Canadian immigration programs.
Is my CLB score sufficient for Express Entry?
This question can be answered in two ways. The first step is to determine if your CLB level is high enough to qualify you for an Express Entry program. The second step is to determine if your CLB level is high enough to warrant a competitive CRS score.
In order to be eligible for one of the three Express Entry programs, you must first confirm that your CLB level matches the criteria for that program.
Applicants for the Federal Skilled Worker Program are required to have a CLB 7 in one of the official languages in order to be considered.
If you have a NOC skill type of 0 or A, you must have at least a CLB 7 across all four language abilities to qualify for the Canadian Experience Class (CEC). If you have a NOC B skill type, you must have a CLB 5 in all four language abilities under the CEC.
At least CLB 4 is required for reading and writing in the Federal Skilled Trades Program.
If you’re taking a language exam, you’ll want to earn the best possible CLB score. An Express Entry candidate who takes official language exams in both English and French is eligible for an additional total of 310 CRS points. Consider how much weight IRCC gives your result on the language test in the Comprehensive Ranking System, even if you only take one language test (for example, English).
Make sure you study hard for your language test before you take it. To attain the best CLB level, even if you are fluent in English and/or French, study for the test. The CLB exam may be taken as many times as necessary to achieve the highest possible CLB level, so long as you are confident in your ability to do so.
Canada’s federal and provincial/territorial governments each have the authority to run their own immigration policies. However, the federal government is ultimately responsible for determining whether or not a person may become a US citizen.
Three of the several federally run economic immigration programs are overseen by Express Entry.
Provinces and territories can signal to the federal government that an immigration applicant fits their region’s economic requirements through the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP). Such applicants receive a provincial nomination, which they can use to support their application for permanent residency with the federal government.
One of the most important factors in Express Entry’s CRS is a province nomination, which adds 600 points to a candidate’s CRS score and almost ensures that they will be granted an ITA.
Express Entry candidates who do not meet the federal government’s eligibility requirements can still earn an ITA from the federal government after receiving a nomination from the province or territory and increasing their CRS score by 600 points in the following draw.
There are some requirements for an offer of employment to be considered valid under the Express Entry system.
is a skilled job that fits within NOC skill types 0, A, or B and is full-time and not a seasonal position. Full-time (NOC)
be up to date (e.g., within the last 1 year)
should not be affiliated with an embassy or consulate
Job offers must be in writing and include details such as your tasks, compensation, and working circumstances (e.g., how many hours per week you will be required to work).
A Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is frequently required to back up job offers, however some positions are exempt from the LMIA requirement. Your company must submit an application to Employment and Social Development Canada/Service Canada if an LMIA is needed.
CRS points are awarded to Express Entry job offers for either 50 or 200 points if they meet the requirements of the program. A bonus of 50 CRS points is given to job offers that meet the requirements of NOC skill type 0, A, or B. Additional CRS points are available for job offers with NOC skill type 00.
If all three of the following requirements are satisfied, an LMIA is not necessary for an Express Entry job offer to be valid:
A year has passed since you last worked full-time for the company on the basis of your work permit (or you have worked for the employer part time for an equivalent length of time as 1 year)
The job offer must also meet other requirements, such as being recent (e.g., within the last year), not being from a diplomatic mission in Canada, and not being exempt from an LMIA under an international agreement such as CUSMA (formerly known as NAFTA), federal-provincial agreement, or the “Canadian interests” category, in order to be valid. Here are some examples of “Canadian interests” exclusions.
Skilled tradespeople can accept employment offers from up to two companies, but they must work for both of them if they accept them.
No, a work permit does not imply that you’ve been offered a position. If your company has supplied you with a documented full-time employment offer for one year or longer if you acquire permanent residency permission and your employer obtains an LMIA if one is necessary or the job offer comes under an LMIA-exemption, your job offer is valid under the Express Entry program.
Acquiring a provincial nomination is the greatest approach to improve your Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) ranking. As a result, you can apply for an Express Entry-aligned PNP stream immediately. To be considered for a provincial nomination program (PNP), a province must ask you to apply for Express Entry into its pool of candidates. If you are nominated by a province, you will gain 600 more CRS points, ensuring that you will be invited to apply for permanent residency by IRCC.
Express Entry job offers are eligible for either 50 or 200 additional CRS points.
Your English or French exam scores are another key factor in determining your Express Entry CRS score. The CRS is heavily influenced by language.
Additional strategies for raising your CRS score may be found on this page.
Each draw’s CRS cut-off score for Express Entry is dynamic and can change at any time. No matter what your CRS score is, you should constantly look for methods to improve it. If you’re going to maximize your CRS points, make sure you’re taking advantage of all of the opportunities that are available to you. Your CRS score may be low, but there are actions you may do in order to raise it, such as taking another language exam, getting additional work or school experience, or securing an Express Entry-eligible employment offer from a province.

Creating a profile for Express Entry

IRCC will ask for information from the following documents when you submit your Express Entry profile:
Passport or other travel document
linguistic proficiency exam outcomes
certification or verification of your Canadian education credentials (ECA) report
the provincial nomination evidence of finances (if you have one)
company in Canada has sent a formal offer of employment (if you have one)
On IRCC’s website, you may find your National Occupation Classification (NOC) number.
No. After a year, your profile is no longer active. Once your current profile expires, you must reapply through the IRCC website to stay in the Express Entry pool. An simple way to resubmit your information is to snap screenshots of your expired profile.
It is possible to edit my Express Entry profile after it has already been submitted.
Yes, you can make changes to your profile after it has been submitted as long as it was determined to be suitable.
For those who have “implied status,” IRCC provides thorough guidelines on how to appropriately answer questions on its website.
A language exam approved by IRCC is required for Express Entry. Language test results are valid for two years from the date of your test. You have two choices:
CELPIP General Training for IELTS in the Foreign Languages
Canada’s TEF test for French language proficiency
TCF Canada: 7th edition of the Test of French Proficiency. For Express Entry, may I combine my language test scores?
No. Reading, writing, hearing, and speaking will all be tested in your language test. If you take a test more than once, it’s conceivable that you’ll get a different result each time. You are only allowed to submit the results of one language exam. Your best language exam result, fortunately, is acceptable. Take note of the two-year expiration date on your language test results! Your CRS score can be improved by enrolling in Express Entry’s pool and then re-taking the language exam until you get the desired result.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (IRCC) requires that you obtain an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA).
You have two choices:
Continuing Studies at the University of Toronto’s World Education Services Comparative Education Service
ICC Canada’s International Credential Evaluation Service
The International Qualifications Evaluation Service
Service for the Evaluation of Credentials Around the World
The Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (Pharmacy Council of Canada) (professional body for Pharmacists)
Do I have to submit a copy of my settlement monies as part of my Express Entry application?
Yes. In order to prove that you and any accompanying family members will be able to sustain yourself financially in Canada, you must mention in your Express Entry profile the amount of money you want to bring with you.
Under the Federal Skilled Worker or Federal Skilled Trades Programs, you will only be required to fulfill the evidence of settlement funds criterion if you get an invitation to apply for permanent residence under the Federal Skilled Worker Program or Federal Skilled Trades Program. There are no proof-of-settlement-funds requirements for those who get a permanent residency invitation through the Canadian Experience Class.
If you are qualified for more than one program, IRCC will issue your invitation under the one that is most relevant to your situation.
While in the Express Entry pool, you can use the Canadian government’s Job Bank to hunt for a new job. Employers in Canada accept applications directly from job seekers, as well as through job boards in the private sector and social media. Scammers may urge you to pay a fee in exchange for a job offer, which is against the law in Canada. Read on for advice on avoiding scams when applying for jobs.
I was previously ineligible for Express Entry, but now I am. That’s a tough one.
IRCC no longer accepts ineligible profiles, therefore you must build a new one and submit it there instead.
IRCC will ask for documentation, and you’ll have to pay any expenses associated with those documents. Included among the needed materials are:
A valid passport is required.
Documentation of birth
The results of a language test
Certificates of educational credential evaluation (ECA)
In addition to this,
You can find all the papers you need to submit to IRCC if you get an ITA here.
Explore the Express Entry Program
Refugees, Immigrants, and Citizenship The Official Website of Canada
Information about Express Entry may be found on the IRCC website, including how the process works; what papers you need; how to submit your profile; and how to receive a permanent residence visa, should you succeed in your application.
Message Boards – CanadaVisa
This is the world’s most popular public forum for Canadian immigration. You can benefit from the advice of other skilled worker candidates who have already made it through the Express Entry process. The Express Entry area of the forum has a number of popular topics:
Candidates in the Express Entry pool provide updates on the current draw results and if they have received an Invitation to Apply for permanent residence in these “rays of hope” talks.
The “Acknowledgement of Receipt” (AOR) is used by IRCC to inform Express Entry candidates with status updates on their applications.
When Express Entry candidates visit visa or IRCC offices worldwide and in Canada, they chat about the latest advancements in the processing of their applications.
Resources for Obtaining a Visa to Enter Canada

Many other resources are available to aid you with the Express Entry procedure, such as:.
Use this form to see whether you qualify for Express Entry.
Calculate your CRS score with this handy online tool.
Instructions for increasing your CRS score.
Results from a Quick Type: CRS cut-off scores and ITAs issued by IRCC may be found here.
Candidate questions and answers: Find answers to more than 40 frequently asked questions regarding Express Entry in this comprehensive guide.
Employers’ questions about Express Entry are answered here. Employers may find answers to frequently asked questions about the Express Entry system.
Cohen Immigration Law may be reached at: Ask any questions you have concerning Express Entry to our Canadian immigration law company.
Canada’s history
Law Offices of Visa and Cohen, Immigration Attorneys
With over 45 years of expertise, Cohen Immigration Law is one of Canada’s most reputable immigration law firms. Among Cohen Immigration Law’s 60 immigration lawyers, paralegals, and other specialists is a team dedicated to assisting you get a visa to Canada. was created to serve as Cohen Immigration Law’s web presence. One of the world’s most reputable sites on Canadian immigration, CanadaVisa was founded in 1994. A free CanadaVisa assessment form is the first step if you wish to come to Canada via Express Entry or another skilled worker option. You will be contacted by a member of the Cohen Immigration Law team if you are qualified for Canadian immigration.